Ive been looking for kids dictionary to define things in simple words for my small children.
On our first day using this my 6yo wanted to define trampled. Under the image section was real picture of a baby being trampled. Literally. A person standing on a baby. I was horrified.
I understand that this uses Google image search so they dont have control over what picture is shown but perhaps incorporating Google Images may be a good idea in theory, not in practice.
The kids and I often use Google Images and have to skip over scantily clad women in provocative poses that turn up under seemingly unrelated, perfectly innocent, searches. Im no prude so I just try to strategically avoid them. But Google is not an app for children, this is.
If youre going to let your kids use this, make sure theyre supervised. Id rather delete it and keep looking for an app they can use without me checking everything before they look at it.
KaiBrennan about Dictionary of Simple English